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Spa Roller

Spa Roller

Brooklyn Bar Body & Bath

Regular price $15.00 Sale

This all natural instrument has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to help improve circulation and overall appearance and performance of your skin!

Daily use of our Spa Roller:

  • breaks up and disperses facial fat distributing it to help plump wrinkles & fine lines while reducing inflammation
  • increases oxygen levels to the blood stream, while stimulating the skin for a healthy glow, promoting new cell regeneration while removing toxins from the skin
  • tightens and firms the face


Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, start off with gentle pressure and minimal usage and only increasing pressure and multiple usage as your face adapts.

Always roll from the center (by the nose area) and outward, from the chin and downward. Use extra gentle motions under the eye area from the eye duct and outward, back and forth throughout the forehead area

We keep ours in the refrigerator to start off our day and throughout the day.

2.5 oz

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